Friday, February 4, 2011

The Gospel Truth


  1. Oh dude i am on my knees reaching my arms as far out to this keyboard as i can to type that i am praying for you so god doesn't fuck you up. obviously i am not able to see the shift key so i hope god doesn't fuck me up for not capitalizing god.

  2. All prayers are welcome Walking Man, shift key or no. I find comfort in the belief that God's greatest gift to mankind is a sense of humor.

  3. I love this. Hope you don't mind if I go ahead and post it on my facebook page. <3 xo d
    You are definitely one of my favorite bloggers, btw.

  4. Amen! Ready to go to church tomorrow and sing that hymn.

  5. Diane... do with it what you will, you can find several different versions on Youtube btw. Thanks for the compliment, the feeling is mutual.

    Bum... please take a video of you singing it in church. Should make a great post and will probably go viral on Youtube.

  6. Nah, don't worry about it C...unless of course you are guilty of the sheep thing. He really fucked Punch up for that.

  7. Dang. So that's what's wrong with him? All this time I thought it was excessive masturbation.

  8. Oh wow, the only one laughing harder was my husband from the other room! My papaw was a preacher and I grew up in a strict Freewill Baptist church. That song broke down 200 Sunday sermons in to just a couple of minutes. How efficient! :)

  9. I had to sing along with that one.
    That's basically what the Baptist preacher in my ex-home town said would happen if you danced. We were young and rebellious - they made a movie about it, Footloose.

  10. I dated a southern Babtist once. She tried to fuck me up, but God wouldn't let her. He made marry a Catholic.


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