Monday, February 7, 2011

The Wages of Sin

In my last post (You should see that if you haven't already.) a couple of folks prayed for my soul. And I must admit, I even felt a tiny twinge of fear just posting it, for who knows when God will decide to mess with you.

However, I find comfort in the fact that, by and large, I've been a pretty good boy and believe I can pay my way into heaven, as explained by Father Quido Sarducci.

Punch should pay particular attention to that last part.


  1. Applauds from the Peanut Gallery for both videos

  2. I meant, "PENolan applauds from the peanut gallery" not general applause from the peanut gallery, but either way will do. I just don't want you to think I'll illiterate, blind without my glasses or not paying a bit of attention ;)

  3. I wonder what ever became of the good father.

  4. Trish... applause from you is always appreciated (even though I had nothing to do with the videos except post them) :)

    JJ... huh? Oh, the good Father Guido? Yes, I've wondered that myself, but not enough to do any investigation. But he must be 102 by now.

  5. you can't a get filma for a polaroida camera, any morea. wella ifa you wanta toa goa to NYC and use the 2024, that's one coola camera. Buta the $20 won'ta cuta the mustera.

  6. If the Catholics ever get wise and make Sarducci pope I will embrace the Mother Church in a heartbeat.

  7. Punch... dat's a twenty fiva centsa at a time. It all adds up.

    Bum... I don't know. It would be awfully hard for me to give up the Church of What's Happen' Now.

  8. I'm with Beach Bum. What's wrong with your soul?

  9. You were blessed with a great sense of humor. Thank God. :)

  10. I can see I'm going to have to do a post of the Church of What's Happen' Now. Thanks for the soulful comments ladies.

  11. Thank you WM. I missed that. And I would have to agree, Jeff Beck is wildly important.

  12. Loved the Sarducci/Colbert clip, wm!

    (Mr C - I remember The Church of What's Happenin' Now!)

  13. C, in case you're interested, beyond the COWHN...


Sorry about the comment thingy folks. Too much spam.