Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let's See Your Cat Do This

Blondes just flat have more fun...


  1. You have far too much time on your hands.
    Thanks for the grin. Much needed.

  2. Er, ah...hmmmm. If you even suggested that my cat do that, he would kick your ass from here to the Humane Society.

    Is it just me, or did I detect a bit of "sexual" chemistry between the two? Just saying.

  3. Glad to see everyone has a sense of humor, except JJ of course, who is one of those dogs vs cats people. You can always tell the cat people, they're the ones who lick their hands and wipe their eyebrows.

  4. Can't wait to see them on Dancing With The Stars.

  5. ya know, Mr. C, something about that just ain't right...LOL

  6. Oh my. Obviously PETA hasn't seen this yet. It's a funny diversion from the oil spill and all of the doodoo in the world right now.


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