Friday, January 21, 2011

Crimini, What's Next?

Always mavens for high-fashion and useless pop-culture gadgets, the Japanese are at it again.

Of course many still prefer old-fashioned razzle-dazzle.  Ain't life grand?


  1. It looks like they just went down on someone from Tron.

  2. Ok, Ok, I'll bite, no pun. What happens when you fall in love with the smile and you get to the bed that night and the smile comes out and sits on the night table???? Blinking.
    What about the tits? and well ya know??? does it blink and show you the way home??
    Inquiring minds and all.

  3. Don't worry Punch. The next thing is an LED capsule that allows you to literally shit fire!

  4. Of course, I am immediately thinking of what other places on the human body that would benefit from bright lights.

  5. LGS... I won't go there, figuratively that is.

  6. Something tells me the ones they'd sell us would be full of cadmium! :)

  7. Sorry but that is just creepy. At least Golden Tounge in the still photo has some value, you could drag him to the pawn shop and sell his shit.

    I could see a group of teens walking through the 'hood starting a Zombie attack panic on a cold dark night.


Sorry about the comment thingy folks. Too much spam.