Saturday, November 21, 2009

So You Think You're Smart

Like most of you, I collect post ideas and file them away for future use only never to get back to most of them. Today I'm going to break the mold and post two videos that, each in their own way, are really remarkably creative. The first, sheds light on some very ancient questions. The second, just damned good horse sense. Enjoy.


  1. Wally Wallington's concrete pillars should be called Wallyhenge. What a creative thinker he is.

  2. This is the sort of thing that gets me about people who say Stonehenge or the Great Pyramid or whatever must have been built by aliens. They’re just the sort of people who lack the imagination to realise there are often relatively simple solutions to such problems.

  3. Mr C.
    First: Flint is about an hour from me, and I've never heard of this guy, but what is it about a British or Austrailian accent that makes people sound so darn smart?

    The other dude is brilliant!

  4. Holte... Why not just go all the way and call it WallyWorld. Simon... my take exactly. We've become so mechinized we can't imagine there was ever another way to do things. JenJen... I had listened to it a couple of times before I figured out only the narrator is British, the rest are good ole redneck Yanks.

  5. I liked when he said that gravity was his favorite tool. Pretty astute observation. Bravo! -Diane

  6. Made me smile, and reminded me of my dad, who was an engineer/inventor of all sorts of things: an electric guitar from a toilet seat, snow skis from barrel slats, a still from a discarded pressure cooker, constructed a telescope from mail-order optics and assorted sizes of plumbing...

  7. Diane... extraordinary guy. I'd be afraid to handle such weight. Intelli.. you dad sounds like a scream. I'll bet you were never bored.

  8. Wow, I haven't seen the Red Green Show in years.


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