Every now and then I check the stats on the blog to see who's tuning in. Without fail, a consistent most popular post is this one. It was first published in Oct. 2009 and it still gets 40-60 hits a week.
I'm reposting it for your enjoyment but particularly for the comments. Scroll to the bottom of the comments and take a look and the nuts who populate zombieland. You can't make this shit up.
Throughout the ages, the myth of Vampires, the undead who “live” from the blood of the living, has persisted in all known cultures even into the 21st Century. Finally, we have photographic proof that Vampires really do exist. But first, a little clarification.
The Florida Times Union has done a valuable comparison of Vampires, then and now, and I would like to share this with you as it could save your life because, these ain’t your grandma’s vampires.
VAMPIRES THEN AND NOW (SIMILARITIES) Then: Vampires were things of fear and disgust. They could shape-shift to gain access to their prey. Sunlight was painful, debilitating and resulted in death if exposed long enough. Their goal was simply survival. Now: Vampires possess unearthly physical beauty. Shape-shifting may be alluded to but isn’t common. Sunlight causes pain but can be endured as they now try to blend into human civilization. Both possess more than human strength and speed and appear to have telepathic abilities. They, for all their strengths, remain vulnerable to humans.
MODERN VAMPIRES BREAK THE RULES We’ve been told countless times ways to identify and possibly even kill a vampire, but those “rules” don’t hold true anymore. Vampires are not supposed to cast shadows in mirrors. Holy symbols such as crosses, crucifixes and holy water would debilitate a vampire. Garlic was a cure-all and was believed to repel all types of evil. Above all, a wooden stake through the heart, decapitation and burning were guaranteed ways to kill a vampire.
Here are a few ways these rules have been broken: Modern vampires do not sleep in coffins. According to some experts, they don’t sleep at all. Sunlight? They avoid it. Not because it will kill them, but rather, because their skin sparkles like diamonds in the sunlight and would draw too much attention. Modern vampires cast shadows in mirrors. Another interesting feature is they cry tears of blood. Garlic sometimes works as a deterrent, but you must be cautious how you use it. Polish immigrant to the UK, Demetrious Myicura, was found dead in 1973. His room was covered in ceremoniously placed garlic. Said to have been terrified of a vampire attack, he choked to death on a clove of garlic he had placed in his mouth to protect him while he slept.
There is only one sure way to destroy them, break out your 9mm Glock and immediately waste them with copper-clad, hollow-point bullets, which have proven to be most effective against these types. OK, as promised, photographic proof of Vampires.

Those photos are, um, horrible.
ReplyDeleteHow did you know I keep a Glock under my pillow?
do you actually believe this? its bs, its from twilight the part about if they go out in the sun thingy. omfg some people are so gullible these days its fake vamps ain't real i mean if they were that would be awesome but this is sooo fake. And don't even get me started on them photos.
DeleteMo... the photos are proof that shape shifting does occure as most of these photos were taken at night, by day they can be un-humanly beautiful. An educated guess about the Glock but completely surprised by the pillow.
ReplyDeleteThese photos are outragous. These ppl are NOT vampires!!!! They are just looking for attention by thinking that over the extreme tattoos n piercings are cute......That is a big NEGATIVE!!!! Ugly too. Vampires are by far not ugly, in fact, we are very beautiful creatures. Don't be misled by false rumors n pictures. We do not photograph well. Do believe that we are alive, doing well and thriving among you mortals
Deleteomg theese are mentally unstable people NOT VAMPIRES. if gonna try n give evidence of the exsistance of vampires do some propar research AFTER seeking some psychology treatment.
DeleteC---correction: that would be silver clad, not copper, I believe.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why you are posting the photos...these seem like quite normal, rational human beings...in my neighborhood, at any rate. Halloween is just another day here.
I saw these people in a tv show especially I remember the one that wanted to be a cat these people are normal they just feel comfortable looking the way they want I agree ......mabe vampires are real or mabe not but if they are thay will never let us know why? Well if you notice the government always wants to take paet in everything and if any supernatural creature ever exposes them selves then hell will break lose and here comes the government wanting to take over and rule them like they do already with the worls. So yea if I was a mystical creature I would never say anything
DeleteVampires are very much real. So are dogs...er werewolves. So are many mythical creatures that you all know to be myth. You can choose to believe my word, or you can choose to take it as bullshit and move on with your day. We do not expose ourselves because we know that war would breed, and many races would become extinct. We are not purely evil, and we do not want humans dead. Dogs..werewolves, kill humans to live. And as long as im around, vampires wont be killing too many humans. Only what is necessary. War will one day be inevitable, but that wont be for another 600 years, so most of you reading this will be mere ancestors to the coming event, so do not fret.
Delete-Magna Protectorem
hey..anonymous..i'm doing some research..can u help me out? i won't tell ur name or anything..you're a vampire right? soo..please i need this
DeleteAnonymous, quid generis es? Si tutelam, cur leges violant? Tu scis te non debet exponere te ad veni! populi sunt populo et ita maneant!
Deletewell there is no such thing as normal no one is normal i mean what is normal to you cause everyone thinks different things about normal
DeleteTo the one who left the signature -Magna Protectorem. I would like to learn more about your ways. It would be nice to find a companion who is true in this subject and not just a pretender who dresses up and acts the part because they have extensive knowledge of the people discussed in this forum. leownby@comcast.net if you are willing.
DeleteThe person with the -Magna Protectorem sig......taake me with you o.o please.
DeleteI dont know if vampires are truly real. I have to see it to believe it. But im open-minded to things & im not judgemental. VAMPIRES, well if they we're real that to me would be amazing. If anyone knows more info about this please share. Email is nessa8653@yahoo.com
DeleteIf vampires are real I would love to join u. I live in alvin texas and i would follow and obay any comands to become a vampire. I would serve as one of the best.
Ok so I don't know weather to be scared or laughing right now.but I will give props to Mr.Magna Protectorem for the name.It means Great Protector.Which is perfect because its Latin . If by any chance u (Great Protector) read this will u reply and I will give u my email?
DeleteI know I was born, I have lived, but there has always been something different, something odd about me. I seek the Great Protector for answers, maybe even help. I await your reply Magna Protectorem. dannielynne3@gmail.com
Deletein regards to the anonymus sunday march 18 2012 1:51am. i agree with what you said. if so called vampyrs exist they would be stupid to advertise themselves. the ones that do are just humans pretending to be something they are not. then there re diseases which make some appear to be a so called vampyr. for example my body gets very sick with heat and sun and fluorescent light. also sensitive to smells and can hardly eat anything without getting sicker. the doctor i am seeing is convinced it is porphyria even so she just got the results back that said negative. so who knows what kind of disease my body has but if i had the possibility of getting clean blood. free of garlic onions hot spices firewater diseases and of course from a non smoker i would drink it. tried chickens blood once and it is disgusting. it help for one night but tastes awful and chickens hardly have any blood and it gets thick so fast that i pick it up with 2 fingers and through it into my mouth also taste yuck. if i knew how i would try fresh cows blood but you cannot even get fresh beef in Melbourne Australia. the meat they sell here is weeks old.disgusting. ISAHLA out
DeleteDear Protector,
DeleteI'm certain you're not a vampire. If you were one of the undead, why would you spend your time Googling proof of vampires? I don't believe a body can survive without its immortal soul, the part which belongs to God. The Bible would suggest that vampires do exist, if they are given are mission by God. I don't think that such a book could even exist if the scriptures were in fact written by many men over thousands of years. I've believed in God my whole life, still do. Why? Because evil is real and so is the goodness I am able to see in others. My question to you, Great Protector, True Blood addict, Google researcher of scientific proof of vampires, is this: Where is She hiding?
You guys are fucking retarded. The Great Protector in latin. Any of you ever read The Mortal Insturments? That shit is plucked right from the pages. I too belive vampires exist but I highly doubt theyre going around posting bullshit all over the internet. I would not be the least bit surprised to see everyone of you ending up in some fucking cult because some lame ass douchebag told you hes a fucking vampire. Use your brain and quit being so fucking gullable. Get proof before you start fawning all over this asshole!
DeleteLol I have to agree with you people put too much faith in shit they read and hear. I look up crazy shit like this for entertainment these freaks talk like they belong in a nuthouse. God loves you little fuck tards anyway no matter how fucked up in the head you are. Have faith in that. God bless you all
DeleteBtw I've tasted my own blood and so has one of my children. Its sweet and very good actually. Does that make me a vampire? Hell no experimental yeah would I kill someone for their blood just because I like the taste hell no. Thou shalt not commit Murder HELLO.
Deletegod dosent love a bitch that swears because she has no friends and no belief in any thing, so you spend all your time being a bitch untill everybody hates your pathetic little face. :)
Deleteyour no christian your a whore of satan as you would put it, and vampires may be real yet no one has proof on either side but... if they show them selfs in you puny lifetime i hope they hunt you and drain you dry :)
Excuse me JJ, at first I thought this comment was from Walking Man in-so-far-as normal neighborhood people.
ReplyDeleteIt turns out that the whole silver theory applied to crosses only, not bullets. For years the vampires have fosterd this misinformation, pertpetuated by the Lone Ranger, so that we normal humans wouldn't even try to kill them. But now that you know, blast away.
I read this somewhere recently, stored it for use at this time of year:
ReplyDeleteI miss the shine
Of your ruby red eyes
The leathery feel of your face
Your breath on my neck
The points of your teeth
As you come unto me for a taste
I will never understand why people mutilate their perfectly good bodies with all these tats and piercings. Mama would whip their butts.
ReplyDeleteQuite a nice poem Holte. And, as you say, perfect for this time of year.
ReplyDeleteBear in mind Peach, these are vampires, by day they look like ordinary people. I have a photo crew working to get some daytime photos even as we speak.
okay, I for one, think all these pics are freakish! a tat and maybe a piercing is one thing, but obviously people take things too far and for what?! ick...Do they think about what they will look like when they turn 70 years old? uh...yeah...
ReplyDeleteand by the way, Mr. C, I don't believe in vampires, I think they are just weird EMO sorta people...who cosmetically alter themselves and have implants to include teeth to look like fangs and whatever else! and if you want a dose of sparkle in the sunshine there are lotions for that even! so...ick again!
ReplyDeleteVampires aren't something you believe in, they simply ARE. Or is that Arrrrrgggh! No, that's pirates. Sorry, got my monsters mixed up.
ReplyDeleteuhmmm grrrrr for the first one...
ReplyDeleteexcuse me for the rest of them...eweeee
You are a sexist.
ReplyDeleteThey are all men.
Bram would be pulling out the silver whatever.
I don't think any of the vampires on True Blood were tattooed more than anyone in the East Village. Is True Blood the greatest authority on contemporary vampires? Maybe there is a subculture of vampires with a tattoo fetish. Further, the tattoos on those vampires won't distort with age since vampires don't get any older. Do they gain weight?
ReplyDeletePunch... Does the first picture look like men to you? But, of course, I forget you can't tell the difference.
ReplyDeletePEN... Huh? I must be missing something. Can't speak for the East Village and don't know anything about True Blood but I thought that subculture of tattoo fetish vampires is what's illustrated. As to tattoos not distorting because of age, you are absolutely correct. However, I say let's not take a chance. Get out your Glock and waste them. God only knows what they will look like if we're wrong about the aging thing. Oh, and please take care of Punch to while you're at it.
Good gravy, those pics are a hot mess. I'll take vampires any freakin' day!
ReplyDeleteThe first picture is Calvin Kline models with ketchup. The teeth are photoshopped. Good Greif
ReplyDeleteHeidi... these are vampires. They come in all shapes and sizes and don't for one minute believe the ignorant and uneducated, such as Punch, who are just smart enough to see that it could be a sham, but not smart enough to see that it isn't.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know from True Blood? It's an HBO original series wherein Vampires in Bumfuck, Louisiana are struggling for equal civil rights. The situation comes about because some scientist invents synthetic blood which becomes marketed in six packs under the product name True Blood. This advancement allows Vampires to come out of the coffin and mix in polite society. I'm not exactly sure why the show takes the position that there is any polite society at all anywhere in Bumfuck, LA. They have a fair amount of uptight Christians, however.
ReplyDeleteAs for Punch, taking care of him is beyond my skill, and he avoids me anyway.
Fantasy is a fine, fine thing when abused by others.
ReplyDeletei will save my ammunition for the real bloodsuckers of the world not these errr...artists canvases.
PEN... Ok. I think I saw an episode once. My daughter watches it. So the premise is that if the vampires no longer need human blood they are no longer a threat, etc? Oh well, nice thought but we know it's just a TV show not real like REAL vampires. As to Punch, just another fleeting hope.
ReplyDeleteWM... go ahead and waste those bloodsuckers brother. Chances are there are real vampires among them.
This is nonsense. Vampires are our friends! You can trust us! I mean them!
ReplyDeleteyes...... them! er...can you do private chat on this i need to privatly message
So Simon, now we know the secret of your longevity.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mo., these are horrible. I've seen some of them before, and I hope to never see them again.
ReplyDeleteThank you and goodnight. (has anyone seen my garlic?)
So lets see, I'm smart enough to read your blog, but not smart enough to see it's a sham? humm, works for me.
ReplyDeletePolan...taking care of kindred sprits is well within your skill level. I'm not avoiding you I just don't want to piss you off.
I'm a lit fuse and you live in a powder keg. Why would i not avoid you? (just saying)
Mr. C - I have to acknowledge a certain logic behind Punch's statements.
ReplyDeleteDon't be fooled by him PEN. He's one of THEM.
ReplyDeleteC---what do you have against Punch?
ReplyDeleteDo you also kick little puppies and kittens? Do you not know about the fall he took as a wee one, bouncing repeatedly on his head...on the tarmac? What kind of monster are you, all in sympathy for Calvin Klein wannabe suckers, and distorted lawyers with Harleys, and then you kick this poor creature in the manly place? What is with that?
Also, you ought to heed the warnings and words of that godly man, Pat Robertson, regards this evil practice of Halloween, and the purveyors of demonistic sexual blood sucking trick or treaters, who consume the sweets blessed by demons and witches...all of which is encouraged and sanctioned by blog posters with graven images, and ask yourself, would Jesus go trick or treating, or watch True Blood? Food for thought, eh?
I'm guessing you've already been trick or treating and had too much demon blessed candy which would explain, at least in part, your impassioned comment. As regards Punch, as usual, he comes up with some rant accusing me of being a sexist pig, which, of course, you totally overlooked, and when I respond in-kind I get called evil, wicked, mean and nasty... no wait, that's a song lyric... anyway, you know what I mean. I did not throw the spit ball and it was not my fault he was dropped on his head and I am truly sorry it caused perminent brain damage. It's just one of those things you have to deal with.
ReplyDeleteThose people that get tattoos are phonies a vampire does not allways have peircing fangs after all their are other ways we arent savages and most of the time we can manage without a lot blood we live among you as normal people we arent emo ugly freaks okay!Most of us just ignore it though sometimes we have a craving per say we dont stalk people and most of us dont tell anyone because it isnt based completely on logic like most things are these days!
ReplyDeleteTurn me
DeleteTurn me
DeleteTurn me
DeleteI will say that unless u personally know a vampire or are 1, then u possibly have no proof one exists, OR in their existance, what they actually look like. If vampires did awant to fit into todays society and look normal, they certainly wouldnt go all out and do what these photos' have. I have knowledge on these photos', and the bumps and humps are actually sillicon implants (like breast implants), and tattoos certainly arent neccessarilly a way to determine a vampire. I mean, I have tattoos, and I love them and plan to get a whole lot more. I believe their is a supernatural presence in our world, more than 1 in fact, and more than just vampires can shape shift. Peircings also are not just for vampires, I also love piercings (and I am not a vampire, as much I would like to be :P).
ReplyDeleteIt is called evolution people for a reason!
It is completely up to the individual if they believe in these type of things or not, and it is their OWN RIGHT to have those opinions. So Mr C. and Punch, grow up and realise u DO live in todays society and ppl r allowed to have their own views, whether we like them or not.
i totally agree and totally love the comment.so TRUE!!
Delete...And the woman with the big cheeks and teeth, she is made to look like a cat and NOT a vampire... (I watched a procedure of her getting them)
ReplyDeleteThen you weren't actually watching the show bc that is a man...i did watch the show
Deletethis is stupid they are not vampire they are just normal people.
ReplyDeletei do beleave in supernatural because i am a witch and i prefer to be anonymous. u think these fakes can pull off a vampire look? ur crazy ppl, vampires dont look like that. i seen them in the future, they will still live among us peacfully not bloodsuckers ok. if u dont beleave me, well then ill awnser all u want to know about me.
ReplyDeleteadd me on yahoo mail as: igottopimp@yahoo.com.....i have some questions for u...thnks
DeletePlease e mail me hyperhuskypuppy3@AOL.com I would very much appreciate it. I have some things I hope/think you Could Help me with.
DeletePlease email me at ab3rcrombi3lov33@facebook.com I'm very interested in learning more about witchcraft I have a few gifts of my own I just need someone to help me understand and control them
DeleteDo yu think yu realy had seen us.? If yu did....n if yu r gud at telepathy....then yu know where to find me. :)
Deleteturn me x
DeleteDo witches cm in open like this???
DeleteI mean, u serious??
V re gonna believe u???
You are anonymous because you are a fucking idiot.
ReplyDeleteummm this is a joke. i beleive in vamires but not in the way you are accusing them to be. these are just pictures of tattood people not vampires. and 'mr. c' u dont know anything, vampires do NOT sparkle in the sun or anything like your made up crap. i for one accually know a vampire...well someone with Porphyria. and they are no harm. calm down and stop making crap up. dont even talk about killing innosent people either.
ReplyDeleteThese are just people with tattoos, they may think they are vampires, but they are not. Vampires do not really exist in this world, only people with porphyria who have "vampire" like symptoms. There are no vampires, humans just have a big imagination.
ReplyDeleteMr C you are a moron. those are not vampires they are just freaks.
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Clifford had tricked thesitter and locked her outside of the house. ``Are you the robot.
dude!! this picture is horrible.. n there r no such thing as vampire exist in this world.. i will believe it if i see one.. n if u really wanna c a ghost come to Malaysia.. there is a really scary ghost like a pocong, pontianak, n galah ghost.. n believe me,, I've seen one on my vacation at Pontianak island.. it really is the most ugliest thing you've ever seen before in ur life.. n that will be the last time i go there..
ReplyDeletevampire arent real dumbass people! some of yahs white people are freaks for real!
ReplyDeleteLearn proper English. The only thing freakish about this post is your ghastly grammar.
Deletethese pictures are just taken of attention-seeking goths you froot-loops
ReplyDeleteive seen some of these photos in the ginious world record book
ReplyDeleteSome of this was really convincing but when mr c claimed Thayer were real I just though BULL SHIT!!! Who is that fucking Stupid Those peope just went through a fuck lode of surgery too look like that and why would a vampire want to look like that I thout they wanted to blend in
ReplyDeleteWow those are people with tattoos and implants who are really heavy into it smh IF There is real vampires i doubt there gonna have there picture posted on the internet!!! GULLABLE
ReplyDeletethis is crap,i mean 4 real?r u shitting me,yall must be stupid to think that "we" look lyk that!
ReplyDeleteoh yeah you thot ryt am a vampire,i suck cork and i got one hella shiny skin coz bitch i gat a lotion 4 dat,syk!
bwahahaahahaah im comin 4 ya 2nyt!
hope u gat ur garlic
Idk if vamps are real id like to belive they are.That wld mean there is some thing bigger than us out there but for some one to make a site about them and act like they know? how could you? these pics are fake they are from othere web sites. you think they would come out and say "hey dude take a pic of me im a vamp and i would just love to be on your degrading site about us!" i doubt it. im sorry sure and no offence to this web site you have done an a ok job but next time try a little more resurch half the crap u have put on here is stuff out of modern books by ppl who havent the slightest clue. try digging deeper waaay deeper into books and docs that are harder to find not just the next Charline Harris or Stephanie meyar book. try looking for something you dont want to find not some dumb fantisy crap that ppl love to belive.
ReplyDeleteThese are all photos of body modification. Simple as getting piercings or tattoos. Nothing unreal or unfamiliar or mysterious about any of them. lol.
ReplyDeleteDumbass vampires do not exist although there is a disease a human can obtain. The porphyrias are a group of rare inherited or
ReplyDeleteacquired disorders of certain enzymes that
normally participate in the production of
porphyrins and heme. They manifest with
either neurological complications or skin
problems, or occasionally both. This disease can make a normal humam being allergic to sunlight and even garlic!
Where's the proof? We want pics of the diamond skin. Thanks
ReplyDeleteOkay lets get something straight here....VAMPIRES DONT SPARKLE. Sunlight makes them weak,they eventually die and turn to dust. Next thing, those pictures are totally bogus! Those people have just pierced and enhanced their bodies to their liking. Vampires can look like any human only with paler skin and strange colored eyes (not necessarily red). Those are the only things I really wanted to get across here. Soooooo FUCK THIS BULLSHIT.
ReplyDeleteyes i think the same and if you do not believe in vampires don't look this stuff up just to try to shit on peoples parades
Deletehi i dont know whether or not to beleive in vampires yet but i find all the different opinions about them very interesting. aside from the pictures shown above, what proof is there of vampires?
ReplyDeleteI seen most of those people on this Netflix movie about weird piercings and stuff and about what people do to their body. so this is fake.
You know, all i have to say is if vampires are real. Please turn me ahah, that would be the best fuckin thing that ever happened to me!
ReplyDeleteThose photos are of people who practice body modification in all it's forms. I fail to see how they are in anyway related to the vampire subject, which is, in my opinion, an over-debated theme anyway. Hollywood and the media in general have given the youth of our days a subject to discuss so much to the point where it's getting ridiculous, if not even a bit dangerous (delusional I might add ). Guess it kind of takes away the fear that they might actually do a dangerous thing such as THINKING or LEARNING for that matter. Knowledge seems to be a luxury these days, when we are constantly bombarded with the most idiotic things via media, TV or internet.
ReplyDeleteWhile I do enjoy a nice fantasy now and then, the vampire thing is just blowing out of proportion and the retardation level it gives birth to is starting to scare me a little.
P.S: Excuse any grammar or writing errors, English is not my first language.
oops!!! this is 0 supernatural...!!!! Vamps and wolfs dont reveal their identities u crowd
ReplyDeletehi anonymous,add me on yahoo mail as: igottopimp@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletei want to ask u some things...u make me curious
Anyone who thinks that these people are vampires is fucking stupid! They are all from a movie called modify. Nothing to do with drinking blood. Also who ever wrote the article above needs their head read!
ReplyDeleteIf there are any vampires out there? Or if your real.. Is it true that your immortal or you can live forever?
ReplyDeleteI've always dreamed of living forever!
we live for the thirst , ourways are old and to those whom prove themselves use may join in our ranks.. I am young to some ,I'm but over two centuries old but time has no meaning anymore ...
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to find a companion who is of true blood that can at the very least show me the truth of this constantly questioned subject.
Deleteleownby@comcast.net if you are willing to help me learn the truth.
Please email me ab3rcrombi3lov33@facebook.com
Deletehi i believe in vampires i no the photos above the people in em arent iv seen em on tv but other then them i really do believe they do exist people say theres no proof of existence but theres no proof they dont exist either . just all the people who say they dont exist just dont like idea that theres more then us out there and scared of change and truth each to there own but i believe please could Anonymous WHO SAY CLAIMING TO BE A VAMPIRE ON HERE WILL YOU EMAIL ME PLEASE ON j.oglesby21@gmail.com hope to hear from you .
DeleteHi. I'm a vry opened minded individual & vry spiritual, vry peaceful. I believe in the possibility of ALL things. Scientists find species of plants & animals everyday, practically, that were supposed 2 have been extinct over millions & millions of years ago. Such as the Ceolocanth fish (supposed 2 have been extinct over 65 millions yrs ago) but yet has been virtually unchngd since then. Side by side comparisson of the millions of yrs old fossil 2 the school of Ceolocanths found off of the coast of Africa & I believe n Asia 2. So culd the Lochness Monster b n actual living, unchngd descendent of a dinasaur? Or culd Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, etc. B n actual unchngd, descendant of n actual 7ft. Ape, which wlkd upright, that had lived in Asia 4 over thousands & thousands of years ago? Mayb even millions? Or hw bout the plants that were found n the depths of the jungles that were of the jurassic era yet they r still surviving? Againg, side by side comparisson of the fossils 2 the living. Virtually UNCHNGD!! Plus finding new species of plants & animals that were thought 2 have never even existed. How bout sum proof of the spirit world frm photographs (that weren't photohopped but vry genuine), EVPs & ppl using ghost boxs that r of vry high frequency of radio waves (normal waves support music, radio shows, etc. Things that r meant 2 b heard everyday!!!!) that the only thing that culd come thru is spirits. Or hw bout sum proof of aliens?! I mean come on nw. There is a vry high possibility of "things" existing. We as a human race that has no solid proof either way of "things" existing, shuld not totally dimiss the possibility 4 the mere fact that we have sum sort of proof of "things" whether it b small or big proof. Its jst nt as "solid" as ppl want it 2 b yet it does undoubtably leave quests lingering in our mind & there4 shuld never dismiss the possibility of things. Even demons take over the human body that u knw as "possession". Demons, angels, the devil & God. Open minds also mean open hearts. Closed minds r never good due 2 the fact that they lead n2 hatred, war & God only knws wat else. My point is, ALL things r possible, including this breed of creatures knwn as "vampires" & nt 2 put 2 much n2 em. U may study or read up or fantisize, I do. But if things do exist, they jst do. If they dnt, they dnt. I was raised n a vry Christian family. Vry loving. Non judgemental & vry open minded. I have tattoos & piercings but am by far NOT a vampire NOR a demon yet I admit have unsaciable taste 4 the unknwn. I love God & ALL things good. As a matter of fact my tat on my hand means "God or spirit" n Japanese & the 1 on the back of my neck is the "Celtic Holy Trinity 4 Father, Son & Holy Spirit". My heart & mind is open 2 ALL. "Things" or "beings" that we thought 2 have been jst a myth mayb vry real & vry much among us. We have no right 2 say either way. Live life 2 the fullest & enjoy every minute. BTW my grandfather is a minister & has cast out evil. So I have had a taste of the "unknwn" thru out my life 4 as long as I can remember along w my own xperiences since as far back as ithe age 5yrs old. Xperiences w ALL the diff supernatural "beings". Yet I still have no right 2 say they do or dnt exist. I jst simply believe. Take care 2 all w much respect & love
ReplyDeleteHi. I'm a vry opened minded individual & vry spiritual, vry peaceful. I believe in the possibility of ALL things. Scientists find species of plants & animals everyday, practically, that were supposed 2 have been extinct over millions & millions of years ago. Such as the Ceolocanth fish (supposed 2 have been extinct over 65 millions yrs ago) but yet has been virtually unchngd since then. Side by side comparisson of the millions of yrs old fossil 2 the school of Ceolocanths found off of the coast of Africa & I believe n Asia 2. So culd the Lochness Monster b n actual living, unchngd descendent of a dinasaur? Or culd Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, etc. B n actual unchngd, descendant of n actual 7ft. Ape, which wlkd upright, that had lived in Asia 4 over thousands & thousands of years ago? Mayb even millions? Or hw bout the plants that were found n the depths of the jungles that were of the jurassic era yet they r still surviving? Againg, side by side comparisson of the fossils 2 the living. Virtually UNCHNGD!! Plus finding new species of plants & animals that were thought 2 have never even existed. How bout sum proof of the spirit world frm photographs (that weren't photohopped but vry genuine), EVPs & ppl using ghost boxs that r of vry high frequency of radio waves (normal waves support music, radio shows, etc. Things that r meant 2 b heard everyday!!!!) that the only thing that culd come thru is spirits. Or hw bout sum proof of aliens?! I mean come on nw. There is a vry high possibility of "things" existing. We as a human race that has no solid proof either way of "things" existing, shuld not totally dimiss the possibility 4 the mere fact that we have sum sort of proof of "things" whether it b small or big proof. Its jst nt as "solid" as ppl want it 2 b yet it does undoubtably leave quests lingering in our mind & there4 shuld never dismiss the possibility of things. Even demons take over the human body that u knw as "possession". Demons, angels, the devil & God. Open minds also mean open hearts. Closed minds r never good due 2 the fact that they lead n2 hatred, war & God only knws wat else. My point is, ALL things r possible, including this breed of creatures knwn as "vampires" & nt 2 put 2 much n2 em. U may study or read up or fantisize, I do. But if things do exist, they jst do. If they dnt, they dnt. I was raised n a vry Christian family. Vry loving. Non judgemental & vry open minded. I have tattoos & piercings but am by far NOT a vampire NOR a demon yet I admit have unsaciable taste 4 the unknwn. I love God & ALL things good. As a matter of fact my tat on my hand means "God or spirit" n Japanese & the 1 on the back of my neck is the "Celtic Holy Trinity 4 Father, Son & Holy Spirit". My heart & mind is open 2 ALL. "Things" or "beings" that we thought 2 have been jst a myth mayb vry real & vry much among us. We have no right 2 say either way. Live life 2 the fullest & enjoy every minute. BTW my grandfather is a minister & has cast out evil. So I have had a taste of the "unknwn" thru out my life 4 as long as I can remember along w my own xperiences since as far back as ithe age 5yrs old. Xperiences w ALL the diff supernatural "beings". Yet I still have no right 2 say they do or dnt exist. I jst simply believe. Take care 2 all w much respect & love
ReplyDeleteLol sry 4 the double comment oops *blush*
ReplyDeleteLol sry 4 the double comment oops *blush*
ReplyDeleteLol sry 4 the double comment *blush*
ReplyDeleteUmm okay. Those are medical implants.. Just saying.. I work with people who do those..
ReplyDeletehmmm....are vampires real or not..truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Then again a real vampire would never admit he/she was one. As for those picks implants, tattoos and fake teeth don't make a vampire. Twilight might be a fun movie but fiction it purely is. No self respecting vampire would sparkle in the daylight much less draw attention to oneself.
ReplyDeleteMox ut domum veris. Sanguis est vita.
Interesting comments. Have another.
ReplyDeleteDraco conspectu intus.
-Nicht Avego
neurocyn @gmail. com
Lamia quoque conspicua, nocumenta ad se
ReplyDeleteIf vampyr's were real.. they would not be so modern.. doubtful they would live in America. I lived in Europe for some years, and went to many places were Vampyr's were sighted. I can tell you that in any case where it might of even almost been a truth, the places were far from modern. Since The vamp is suppose to be centuries old, there would be little room for modern vamps. An undead would still be undead..I seriously doubt vampyrs evolve. I think the old theories of silver and crosses or things that are pure, which those things are pure.. are more likely to work on them than a slap to the wrist. The so called modern vampire is a mental vampire, but very much alive.
ReplyDelete~Mistress of the Night~
You all are crazy, and stupid for thinking vampires exist. You'd think if they were real... there'd be a lot more news about them. And I'm pretty sure there are close to none. Lay off the twilight books and movies. They are fictional. Your welcome for the reality check!!!
ReplyDeleteOh and fyi, those pictures above are all crazy insane people who got their faces tattooed and peirced, got implants to make it look like they have "horns", special contacts to make their eyes look like cat eyes, crazy ass hair to make them look even more creepier, and got their "vampire teeth" surgically put in their mouths. They are nothing more than insane people who are desperate to be vampires but can't because there's NO SUCH THING as vampires! Creeeeeeeeeps!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow really we all know vampires are fake although some people live in their little fantasy world everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but honestly whoever believes these pictures are of real vampires is incredibly stupid i like to watch vampire movies and i do have to say you could have been more creative than sparkling skin in the sun the people behind the movies are not vampire experts they are authors screen writers and directors oh and may i mention ACTORS NOT REAL VAMPIRES it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out its for entertainment purposes only a little advice just because someone has tattoos peircings and implants doesn't make them a vampire and anyone can have fake fangs along with freaky looking contacts
ReplyDeletethis was a waste of my time, you're so called proof was just a bunch of people with piercings...
ReplyDeleteI am very much interested in learning more. Who ever can give me Real info, email me at magzfrod09@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletewow, i have read so many books on vampires, (Department 19 is awesome, same with the legacy of Larten Crepsley), but i mean i never thought of it as anything more than fiction, and that thats what everyone else thought, it blows my mind to discover people who truly believe in vampires, i mean its not like i do or dont, i kinda prefer seeing things for myself, thats why i am an atheist, but thats beside the point, it simply comes down to i would HATE to meet any other those people in the photos in a dark alley, though i am sure they might be nice people, thats still f-ing scary
ReplyDeleteyeah the legacy of Larten Crepsley was a great series, what i was wondering was if the person who posted those photos at the top knows for sure if they are vamps, have you seen them feeding? do you know if they are aggresive? have you met with them? did you even stop to maybe ask them if they are bloodsuckers, or if they are just people who prefer how they look in those photos?
ReplyDeletewhat makes you believe in vamps?
DeleteI don't know much about vampires but there is a possibility that they exist,there are many weird things on earth and let me assure you that there are supernatural things going on but I have no fear for anything supernatural being,why? Because I believe in God being the Superior being and the devil knows he is doomed so he wants to get people to go down with him,why are people so stupid,to get pleasure on earth sacrificing eternal life with God,ones time on earth is limited and there after what have you achieved by following evil? You have achieved nothing but a eternity of suffering and pain while the servants of God enjoy a eternity of happiness,there is only one way to the Father and that is through Jesus,he paid the ultimate price for us,he is the only one who can save you and if you live in him nothing can harm you and the devil is defeated,Jesus is the way the truth and the light no one gets to the father but through him.
ReplyDeleteFools...you know not what you ask for. You ask for blood, for eternal life...yet your ignorance of the truth blinds you...being what we are....it is a curse...I would not wish this upon anyone. We are damned...and the thirst is very real...and inevitable. I know many of you will ignore this, for it is hard to believe in the intangible. But there are evil creatures in the world...I would know.
ReplyDeleteTrue....I was once hurt when i was walking home but not with a human a came across a vampire!!!! and now im frozen in time never going forward never having a life its torture and i didnt even know what a vampire was!!! well... now i do!!!
Deleteif you both actually believe what you are saying then id suggest the best help would be a mental health profesional...
Deleteyeah man you dont know what youre talking about
DeleteAnd these photos are merely people expressing themselves through body art. Do you really think we want to stand out? We look as normal as the rest of you...
ReplyDeleteI want to be a creature of the night
Deleteyou mean a vampire, well I rather to be a son of the moon that a son of the night at least my humanity wouldnt be that lost.
DeleteI dream of being a vampire
ReplyDeleteI've been cursed in this life for over a decade. As fpr the question of immortality, I can't give an answer because all fo my species in my area have been terminated. It's been treacherous walking alone, but as I can see, there are stil believers.
ReplyDeleteIf I don't see I cannot believe but I take the possibility that vampires can exist in this world.
DeleteI don't know if you make jokes or you if are serious here. But if you are a vampire please show me a proof even from far away. I would be very interested to that more than everybody else. Would you like to contact me?
don't see I cannot believe but I take the possibility that vampires can exist in this world.
DeleteI don't know if you make jokes or if you are serious here. But if you are a vampire please show me a proof even from far away. I would be very interested to that more than everybody else. Would you like to contact me?
anonymous who is claiming to be a vampire i do believe you and tried emailing the email you put a few months ago but the email couldnt be sent to you as it said email non exsistant please would you email me at j.oglesby21@gmail.com im really intrigued by you and vampires
Deletei believe in you and i am also very intrested, please contact me at CrozXD@aol.com
Deleteif you are the one... come get me... waitin' to tear your head off....
DeleteI'm not a fighty vampire type anonymous so please keep me out of this im
Deletea peacful vampire and i would rather message in private
i believe in you and i want to be one of you email me vampwannabe127@outlook.com
DeletePlease email me as soon as possible. lycanlunas@yahoo.com
DeleteI did not want to tell anything about myself but i cant bare to see everyone killing themselves just to get evidence of vampires! So i am going to tell you a story! here it gos:
ReplyDeleteOne day i was walking home from school i t was late about 5 or 6 'o' clock and i turned into an alley way and something was so fast when it ran passed me i fell over i kept shouting whos there WHOS THERE! but no-one would answer and then suddely a boy shot at me and said "your hot i want you" and he bit me and now im a-a-a-a vampire but perfectly harmless i dont harm or even touch a human so theres your proof
your an idiot.
Deletekeep watching vampires diares man
ReplyDeleteVampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person/being. Although vampiric entities have been recorded in many cultures, and may go back to "prehistoric times", the term vampire was not popularized until the early 18th century, after an influx of vampire superstition into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were frequent, such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe,[8] although local variants were also known by different names, such as vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania. This increased level of vampire superstition in Europe led to mass hysteria and in some cases resulted in corpses actually being staked and people being accused of vampirism.
While even folkloric vampires of the Balkans and Eastern Europe had a wide range of appearance ranging from nearly human to bloated rotting corpses, it was interpretation of the vampire by the Christian Church and the success of vampire literature, namely John Polidori's 1819 novella The Vampyre that established the archetype of charismatic and sophisticated vampire; it is arguably the most influential vampire work of the early 19th century, inspiring such works as Varney the Vampire and eventually Dracula. The Vampyre was itself based on Lord Byron's unfinished story "Fragment of a Novel", also known as "The Burial: A Fragment", published in 1819.
However, it is Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula that is remembered as the quintessential vampire novel and which provided the basis of modern vampire fiction. Dracula drew on earlier mythologies of werewolves and similar legendary demons and "was to voice the anxieties of an age", and the "fears of late Victorian patriarchy". The success of this book spawned a distinctive vampire genre, still popular in the 21st century, with books, films, video games, and television shows. The vampire is such a dominant figure in the horror genre that literary historian Susan Sellers places the current vampire myth in the "comparative safety of nightmare fantasy".(ps:im a peacful vampire)
that's wikipedia my friend
DeleteThe Oxford English Dictionary dates the first appearance of the word vampire in English from 1734, in a travelogue titled Travels of Three English Gentlemen published in the Harleian Miscellany in 1745. However, earlier references to the word vampire can be found in the form of vampyre. An example is found in re-telling the famous case of Arnold Paole, where the London Journal of March 11, 1732, describes vampyres in Hungary (actually northern Serbia) as sucking the blood of the living. Vampires had already been discussed in French and German literature. After Austria gained control of northern Serbia and Oltenia with the Treaty of Passarowitz in 1718, officials noted the local practice of exhuming bodies and "killing vampires". These reports, prepared between 1725 and 1732, received widespread publicity.
ReplyDeleteThe English term was derived (possibly via French vampyre) from the German Vampir, in turn derived in the early 18th century from the Serbian вампир/vampir, when Arnold Paole, a purported vampire in Serbia was described during the time Serbia was incorporated into the Austrian Empire.
The Serbian form has parallels in virtually all Slavic languages: Bulgarian and Macedonian вампир (vampir), Croatian vampir, Czech and Slovak upír, Polish wąpierz, and (perhaps East Slavic-influenced) upiór, Ukrainian упир (upyr), Russian упырь (upyr'), Belarusian упыр (upyr), from Old East Slavic упирь (upir'). (Note that many of these languages have also borrowed forms such as "vampir/wampir" subsequently from the West; these are distinct from the original local words for the creature.) The exact etymology is unclear. Among the proposed proto-Slavic forms are *ǫpyrь and *ǫpirь. Another, less widespread theory, is that the Slavic languages have borrowed the word from a Turkic term for "witch" (e.g., Tatar ubyr).
Czech linguist Václav Machek proposes Slovak verb "vrepiť sa" (stick to, thrust into), or its hypothetical anagram "vperiť sa" (in Czech, archaic verb "vpeřit" means "to thrust violently") as an etymological background, and thus translates "upír" as "someone who thrusts, bites".
An early use of the Old Russian word is in the anti-pagan treatise "Word of Saint Grigoriy", dated variously to the 11th–13th centuries, where pagan worship of upyri is reported.i know alot about the legends because im a vampire and my creator told me all the legends
The notion of vampirism has existed for millennia; cultures such as the Mesopotamians, Hebrews, Ancient Greeks, and Romans had tales of demons and spirits which are considered precursors to modern vampires. However, despite the occurrence of vampire-like creatures in these ancient civilizations, the folklore for the entity we know today as the vampire originates almost exclusively from early-18th-century southeastern Europe,[8] when verbal traditions of many ethnic groups of the region were recorded and published. In most cases, vampires are revenants of evil beings, suicide victims, or witches, but they can also be created by a malevolent spirit possessing a corpse or by being bitten by a vampire. Belief in such legends became so pervasive that in some areas it caused mass hysteria and even public executions of people believed to be vampires!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo,exactly how does piercings,tattoos,implants and colored contacts prove vampires are real???
ReplyDeleteFreaks,yes. Vampires,me thinks not!
ReplyDeletePlease, can somebody tell me if there any prove that vampires exist?
As vampires exist, I don't think they would reveal their existence (maybe only to their really close friends or lovers). They must logically have rules not to tell anyone (if i was one i wouldn't reveal myself). That's obviously the reason why their existence remains a secret till now. For my part, I have no proofs that they exist but I believe they do. I'm telling that not because I'm a supernatural believer in warewoolfs or in Dracula. But because i know deep inside me that they do exist. And i'm telling that because it puts me in depression if I believed the contrary and I can't change that, it's uncontrollable. And i believe that I will meet one, very soon because from one part I feel it's inevitable, it's the destiny and from the other part, by the power of attraction everything is possible!
ReplyDeletePS... If you are a real vampire I don't think you would prove me your existence as the rules must not permit that, but I,m leaving you my mail just in case: aline_111111@yahoo.com.
ReplyDeleteMy warning is never heeded.
ReplyDeleteWhich warning?
ReplyDeleteHEY GUYS....dont u think dat ssome stuff is really misunderstood here?? vampires r beings dat r mysterious & supernatural...they dont hav any need for u 2 believe them...the just wanna blend in..y would they reveal their self just bcoz u guyz r curious......just look in..wouldn't they hav exposed themself to the world if they can!! y would they go into hiding...every species has its own rules...ther might b a rule 4 them nt 2 expose themself ...nd this is my own theory .....:"HOW COULD A MAN INVENT A BULLSHIT STORY OF HIS OWN IF IT NEVER EXISTED...?? I MEAN LIKE HE COULD NEVER INVENT SOMETHING AS GOD OR DEVIL OR ALIEN OR ANYTHING THAT IS MYSTERIOUS COZ HOW DID D IDEA OF THE VERY BEING COME 2 HIS MIND....ND HOW DID SPREAD AMONG ALL THE CULTURES IN THIS WORLD CENTURIES B4 INTERNET WAS INVENTED??? THEIR CHARACTERS MIGHT B MISINTERPRETED IN THOSE TIMES BT I BELIEVE THAT THEY MIGHT REALLY EXIST...THEY MIGHT B HIDING EITHER COZ THEY WANNA BLEND IN OR JUST 2 MAKE SURE THAT THEIR PREY DOESNT HAV SOMETHING IN DEFENSE EVEN B4 THEY COULD ATTACK...JUST LIKE GORRILA WARFARE OR CAMOUFLAGE...I DONT LIK 2 B A VAMPIRE OR ANYTHING BT I'M REALLY INTERESTED IN THE UNKNOWN......I REALLY THINK THEY EXIST...SO AS EVERY BEING SHOULD HAV SOME RIVAL....SOMETHING LIKE WEREWOLVES OR SOME OTHER KIND OF SUPERNATURAL GUARDIAN MIGHT EXIST....
ReplyDelete@ SPARK
In my sleep my spirit travels, sometimes my concious mind is aware of what is happening, yet I still remain in a state of slumber. I have recently been sought out by a male vampire, he lives with a male and female as well as his significant other. The first time i recall meeting them they kept me in a room when I was comfortable enough to wonder through the house I came upon this male standing next to a huge bed, with bed curtains yet i knew there was a female presence. I aske about her and my male companion became distraught, i believe he has lost his life partner. I still remember the layout of rooms in the house. When I awoke my first breath caught the smell of decay. They live in a wooded area, where I do not know. They continued, the 2 males and 1 female, over the past few months to take my spirit to them, I feel in some way they are testing me. I'm not going to reveal anymore about my visits with him, but I will say I now have a spirit with me at all times. I can see him when I look in the mirrior my eyes become the spirits. He sleeps with me at night, his presence is know by the density in the air. As well as him touching me, moving my limbs, prickiling my skin and by moving my bed. I feel him follow me and now talk to him. I feel that this male vampire has chosen me to replace his lost female companion and I must say I'm quite exited. I was awoke one night recently by a male presence spreading my legs, running his hands up my legs, to my stomach and then to my breasts where he squeezed them, he whispered in my left ear if i wanted a kiss. I'm now conciously awake and I begin to be lifted from my bed by my arms and in a blink he was gone. I've been calling out for him since, waiting for him to come to me, to reach out to me in his full form to embrace me physically, I want to set my eyes on him while I'm fuuly awake. I feel as though my daily existence is gone and I'm going through my days in a trance, waiting forever waiting. Please come to me my partner and embrace me fully into your world.
ReplyDelete???????? hey did any1 say dat dis story is quite shitty!! hell ya it's shit!!
Delete@ SPARK
hey,do u have any proof for all that? i do blv that u mentioned the words "slumber, in my sleep ..."
Deletewell our bodies need to sleep jst to so u have enough energy to move the next day as for our brains, sleep is nothin but an exercice (proven by science) our brain activity increases 3 times in our sleep and it might get us exhausted so it can b a little confusing. one more question, how old are u? and how often do u read/watch vampire stories? and how much do u knw abt vamps?
Emm think you need to speak to someone, your sounding nuts!
DeleteWhat on earth stirred this debate on fellow peacefull creatures that we humans don't seem to acknowledge their existence? How I wish I was a vampire...just loath "humanity" as it barely exixts....just aterm
ReplyDeletequite true!! :)
Deletebt u dont know whether they r peacefull...:( .
Sort your fuckin heads out pics of fuckin dickheads
ReplyDeletei agree
Delete@ SPARK
I wish they were real.. I'd love to get turned into one
ReplyDeleteI would like to believe that Vampires are real. Especially with the dreams I've been having. One might think I'm crazy with the dreams I've been having. Everything is so real. Its crazy because that stuff isn't real. Is it? I just don't want to be confused and over thinking and over stepping my boundaries because I'm taking my dreams a little to seriously. HELP!
ReplyDeleteLol, vampires don' t fucking sparkle just because it was in the movie Twilight. I'm sorry to say this my friend, but you are most likely a poser.
ReplyDeleteThese people were in guiness world record there's nothing abnor,al about them
ReplyDelete(sorry for my bad enlish)
ReplyDeleteI don't think that there would be any vampire who would come at a site like these and would accidantaly or not say that they are a vampire.
Or maybe they come at sites like these but then it would only be to laught with some of the comments.
ps; for the people that say that they don't believe in vampires, what the f*** are you doing one a vampire site???
greetings from belgium
> Anna <
I do believe in vampires, but these pictures are fake. I'm sorry but, these aren't proof that vampires do exist. I have a strong belief for vampires. But these pictures are fake.
ReplyDeletei totally agree, what are more of your thoughts on them?
Deletei believe in vampires but seriously these pictures have NOTHINg to do with them, wanna know why? Because you can't take pictures of them because they dont have reflections and cameras work with little mirrors also these people are out in broad daylight, the are not wearing black and they have silver all over their face, the one with the 'fangs' is also fake because they are blunt DUH
ReplyDeleteAs much as most of us want to believe that Vampirism does exist, none of the comments seem legit. Anyone can post anything under the Anonymous tag. The media, folklore and fiction has muddled reality and now we can't know for sure. Hopeless, it seems.
ReplyDeleteBut the pics in this post completely horrify me. Pretty sure they are just people with a flabbergasting passion for tatoos.
If they do exist, these vampires, it woukd be a scary wonder. Curiosity.
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So ive read everything from top to bottom. and i must say i had a giggle,looked for genuine brothers and sisters there is one ive got my eye one.
ReplyDeleteIm a Psychic Vampire.... now without looking up wiki,or what is a .... real Vampires should know.
would love to seek out a fellow Psychic though as havent found many.
im a vampire too. honest and for realseys
ReplyDeleteIm also a vampire, I don't sparkle and I don't kill people. You all are fucking stupid to think the world is covered in solely the human race. Actually you're quite selfish to believe so.
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Some Vampires are from Human origins that had made a pact with Something they shouldn't have. Something they don't really understand the nature of. They have been around for quite sometime. Could say almost as old as time itself. They can be reversed but made to think they can't. Chances are, they wont because that is why they choose to be one in the first place. They are immune to sunlight and definitely not afraid of the cross.
ReplyDeleteU cant be a Vampire by getting bitten. It doesn't work that way. You have to choose.
Hope it helps.
in regards to the anonymus sunday march 18 2012 1:51am. i agree with what you said. if so called vampyrs exist they would be stupid to advertise themselves. the ones that do are just humans pretending to be something they are not. then there re diseases which make some appear to be a so called vampyr. for example my body gets very sick with heat and sun and fluorescent light. also sensitive to smells and can hardly eat anything without getting sicker. the doctor i am seeing is convinced it is porphyria even so she just got the results back that said negative. so who knows what kind of disease my body has but if i had the possibility of getting clean blood. free of garlic onions hot spices firewater diseases and of course from a non smoker i would drink it. tried chickens blood once and it is disgusting. it help for one night but tastes awful and chickens hardly have any blood and it gets thick so fast that i pick it up with 2 fingers and through it into my mouth also taste yuck. if i knew how i would try fresh cows blood but you cannot even get fresh beef in Melbourne Australia. the meat they sell here is weeks old.disgusting. ISAHLA out
ReplyDeleteHey this is for Magna Protectorem.
ReplyDeleteI am one of your kind, and if you aren't a true one of us, i will kill you. beware. E-mail me at Violet9913@hotmail.com
seek me out then if ur real.but one wont wil they cos its bull.wish i was wrong tho
ReplyDeleteI have spent my entire life researching supernatural activity around the world and 17 years of experience in a career is a lot trust me. First of all these pictures are simply pictures of troubled people that in no way proves that they are vampires. As to supernatural creatures, they do exist but not the way we think them to be. Without dwelling on much unnecessary details, I believe vampires are real but they are not the “Hollywood” version. There are only very few of them and all are very old. Only the old can survive. All the new ones are killed because of lack of experience in survival. They are not fun or good people or tortured souls. They are simply murders who revel in the hunt and the kill. Nope, they don’t live in America actually most supernatural creatures don’t. I think they mostly live in developing countries in Africa and Asia where they would never be discovered. To all of you out there who wants to become a vampire and have the happy-ever after ending you are dreaming. Imagine living forever with no purpose in live while watching every one you ever loved die. Humans never accept you because you send an aurora of danger and mistrust. They can’t go out to parties or even go to school because it is dangerous for them. They basically live in a rotting small town alone forever. If I ever come upon one I would probably kill it if I can. I would have rid the world of one monster. As to the people who don’t believe in supernatural world I would like to ask them one question “can you prove 100% sure that they aren’t real?” I don’t think so
ReplyDeletewhere can I talk to you, I would like to.
Deleteatt: A person who admires you
i know they exist.
ReplyDeletei have seen one before when i was little.
even though at that age i knew nothing about vampires.
but i knew she was one. she was beautiful, with red shiny hair
and unhuman eye color. the only thing was she was captive in the hospital.
cuts and scars covered her face as well as blood. she saw me and she freaked, not words but groans of pure horror.
and when i grew up i spent hours searching them up trying to gain any information i didn't already know. but its the same stuff.
i've spent a lot of my time searching for them. you may ask why but im going to keep that to myself.
i've met people that speak from a different time, unhumanly beautiful, eyes like the ocean and skin as soft as silk. i know they're around and they know im watching. but i cant stop searching and looking till i find him. i dont know what he is, but when i do ill know everything.
I have seen many things in my life and have never had the pleasure of meeting a vampire. I have met werewolves, fay, and witches and they were all very pleasant to be around. The witches introduced me and opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed. So I will assume that after meeting these other supernatural beings that vampires more than likely do exist. I do not know if I would want to meet one though, as simple and dull and bland as my life is I do not want to die as a meal.
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I was intrigued by this post until the sparkling vampires were mentioned. It's just a theory, it's not a fact and it never will be. I believe it's in a modern day vampire movie, it's a creative theory and rather amusing but it's not real. This also joins my other opinion about the pictures of people with ridiculous tattoes and peircings, lets not forget the stretched noses and ears. Those aren't vampires, they're portraying themselves as something else, they may look different but they're not some creature of the undead.
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Think to many people have been watching Twilight and True Blood! Next i'll be reading the easter bunny and the tooth fairy are real lol
ReplyDeletethis is all fake, you are saying things you don't even know about, vampires do exist and they are among us they can walk in the sun, there is a way.
what vervain?
Deleteits like hollywood has clean our brains, now everybody believe that vampires are just like in twilight, vampires diaries, supernatural, true blood, but the real this is that they dont, they cant walk under the sun because they have a desease, people.. vampires are not like normal people, with a great smile, sexy appeal, thats just a fantasy, vampires do exist but they arent as easy to find as these people who obviusly have appeal to plastic surgeries and stuff like that to turn their self into that, a person who looks like a monster but it still been a person a poor human.
ReplyDeleteYou are all fools to believe everything you see on television and movies! Every single comment relates to something we have seen on television and movies its pathetic! Sunlight doesn't do shit neither does garlic ..sunlight blinds them they can't see like wearing night vision at day time..holy water doesnt work either.
ReplyDeleteI believe they exist just not how you all portray them to be!
do usa have any vampires now
ReplyDeleteI want to no right now because in my school there is girl who came from usa and she told her bestfriend that she is a vampire that's y she move to Guyana
ReplyDeleteYou can call me Cthulhu. I have been communicating with vampires through my dreams even before I knew what they were. I have been have the dreams since the age of 5. When I was 7 I found out what they were. They would comfort me in my time of need. I need to meet them in person. If any are reading this please contact me if you can. lycanlunas@yahoo.com I am probably wasting my breath with this post but does not hurt to try.
ReplyDeleteI want to become a vampire. they
ReplyDeleteThey turn me on**
DeleteI am quite happy being a human, I mean if I wouldn't turn my nose down at actually being a vampire, but some of the other websites say that its just a disease and maybe it is I do wish someone would tell me, but I wouldn't spend my life trying to find out. I enjoy reading Dracula and watching the movie, but in the original Bram Stoker Dracula he was a dirty filthy beast who murdered people, and it just makes me wonder...
ReplyDeleteWow. I don't even know what to say to 99% of you, other than the fact that you people can vote and reproduce is really frightening. The creator of this blog, though, you're quite a piece of work. What did you search for to find those pictures? Those are all normal (well, somehwhat) humans that had cosmetic surgery and implants to alter their appearance. There are tv shows and interview with most of them as well. I hate to burst your bubble, but they don't look any different in the day time. Tattoos and implants are permanent so they're going to look like that whether its 3pm or 3am. Do you have something against people with tattoos and body modifications? Why would you just assume that they are what vampires look like? You're so uneducated on the topic, it's a joke. Scarier yet is these people that take what you write seriously. Where are you getting your information? Twilight? Vampire Diaries? True Blood? Seriously, just stick to something that doesn't require any brain power because you'll be able to go undetected as the idiot you are. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time commenting on this but I was just so appalled and- not only at your writing- but the kind of people that commented with their pathetic wishes to be 'turned' and how they've known there's always been 'something different' about them. The only thing different about you is your IQ compared to that of the average human's. Please get some therapy, all of you.
ReplyDeletedont buy any of that piece of crap that bullshit man
ReplyDeleteI agree this website is bullshit so why bother.
ReplyDeleteI don't no what to Believe are they real? or are they a figment of imagination.... well vampires and supernatural beings had to originate from somewhere, people hundreds of years ago wrote journals and some believing and writing about vampires, people just don't want to believe because it scares them that there could be something greater out there than humans, I personally believe that if they are real they don't hide in graves in cemetery's come-on its the 21st century putting films like twilight, true blood and vampire diaries aside humans have evolved so why can't vampires they would live among us some at peace others not so.. but people have their own opinions and as to this website what a load of shit!!! for those who say they are vampires as if you would be looking this stuff up about vampires if you are one???(and commenting!!!) for those who are believing they are you need to get a life!! and for those who say they are not a believer your full of bull.... as again you wouldn't of found your way to this site if that curiosity wasn't there! and for the maker of this website I also have seen some of them pictures on t.v shows one being Jeremy Kyle which is from the U.K (where I am from)so don't spout your beliefs from t.v shows !!! That is all :D
ReplyDeleteSomehow while reading this blog, if it is an actuall blog at all that it, I find my so called faith in humanity disappointed. Again. Vampires or not, the huge concentration of puerility and ignorance is debilitating.