Friday, March 28, 2014

It's Been A Grin

Not very often,
but once in a while,
something or someone comes along to capture your imagination.
It's usually a simple thing, at least for me, and something you can pick up and do for yourself.  A little challenge with big rewards, like putting a whole story or thought or idea together in fifty-five words.

Thanks G-Man.  It's been a grin.


  1. The 55's quite useful for learning to write with brevity, a trick i still have not yet caught on to.

  2. yes it is...
    he has meant much to me over the years.
    he will def be missed.

  3. Mr. C....
    It's been an Honor and a Pleasure to have been the recipient of your satirical ways.
    I just loved the fact that we are of the same generation.
    Please give the new hosts a little love, they could use your POV.
    Thanks for everything, I'll be around...
    have a Kick Ass Week-End

  4. It has indeed. And I don't wanna quit!!!

  5. Yes this was a little challenge that felt doable for a lot of us. A way to keep creativity alive in a busy life.

  6. Ah.. yes I fully agree.. started writing 100 word challenges.. and 33 .. but for some pieces 55 is the perfect thing..

  7. I miss G-Man already, tho I know he's not really "gone"."

    And hey -- your site rocks! Loved your photo pictorial boat and awesomeness post above.

    Maybe see you over at Shay & Mana Z's sometimes for The New 55, on Tuesdays, I guess.


Sorry about the comment thingy folks. Too much spam.