Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Many Women Have You Slept With?

My wife asked me, how many women have you slept with.  I replied, only you darling, the others were awake.


  1. So what happened to the poor fucker on the bed?

  2. As Richard Dawson's contestants used to shout out:

    Good answer!!

  3. I just HAVE to know what really happened to that dude cause,damn.

  4. How Many Women Have You Slept With?

    That is a question only foolish people would ask but that dude in the picture looks like he may have done something worse and answer it.

    Can't fault the guy, South Carolina's previous governor after being discovered on the other side of the planet with his mistress. He comes home after being caught and in the middle of saying he wanted to get back with his wife spouts off something about the other woman being his "soul mate."

  5. Andrew, Steph... after hearing the news, the dude in the bed was pushed down a flight of stairs... at a lighthouse.

    BB... we all know South Carolinian's are hot blooded.

  6. I came by hoping for a picture of that wood duck and her chicks that you advertised. What's the opposite of beautiful and inspiring Spring art?

    And, South Carolinians are that dangerous combination of energetic and stoopid.

  7. Hey Nance... when you mess with a Gemini you have to take the bad with the good.

  8. Man, that's brutal.
    I tried looking up the photo that you recommended, but the site's been updated. I've got a pretty good mental pic from your description though, thanks.

  9. Oh, that's cold. I have got to think of a comeback.

  10. Diane & Susan... come on now. Haven't either of you been married? Just kidding. Just kidding.

  11. any time your wife asked you a mater what it is...lie...lie me..I know things..we only say we want the truth, what we want you do do is lie..convincingly.

  12. Granny... LOL Our nation's mothers are falling down on the job. They need to teach their sons these things.

  13. After a certain length of marriage there is no need to lie, the truth will suffice..."Honey it has been so long since the last one I really don't remember anymore."


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