Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Been Sold Down The River Again, My Friends

A budget that raises taxes on people earning less than $18,000 per year, cuts taxes on the super-rich, eliminates programs to feed the poor, Head Start and PBS, threatens to cut Social Security but leaves Defense untouched.

This ain't change I can fucking believe in and sure as hell isn't what I voted for.


  1. Never thought you weer voting for a Republican conservative didya? Neither did I.

  2. As they say in the Navy... fuckin' A Tweety!

  3. This country was built on the backs of slaves, Native Americans, and the poor. It seems that the poor are being sacrificed again and again. I guess that makes the poor government's bitch?

  4. Somebody has to pay, it might as well not be them.

  5. The poor have always been sacrificed. It's just that, now that I am one of them I don't like it for shit. What am I saying? Hell, I've always been one of them.

  6. What gets me is how our glorious elected leaders can keep a straight face screaming about deficits and how they will ruin us after extending the tax cuts for the rich.

    Nothing is going to change until we get all Egypt-like on their ass. But right now the bread and circuses have most of the country distracted so it isn't going to happen anytime soon.

  7. I believe you have the right guy at the top but he is shackled by a House that is still in the monolithic past. My sincere condolences.

  8. Would love to see a "main news" channel have the kahoonas to break the latest Ron Paul travesty. Like Tex says, how stupid do they think we are?

  9. If you get a chance, read the upcoming Rolling Stone--great article on Wall Street (and the Clash--love them.) Just skip the Justin Beaver guy.

  10. I don't think we can GET "all Egypt-like" on their ass. "They" have got us rabble fighting each other while they grab the rest of the money. Witness the Wisconsin demonstrations of union-defenders against people who don't realize what the unions have done for them.

  11. The whole state of things is frightening--for women's rights, for the environment, for social services, the arts, etc., etc. Let's hope things swing back in the better direction before we get too far on this path. We're getting a double hit in Florida, as I've mentioned before, with Scott.


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