Originally reported by Kieran Daly at airline blogFlightGlobal.com, the picture was supposedly taken by a worried flight attendant who wanted to ensure that the seating arrangement didn't compromise the safety of the other passengers.
Here's FlightGlobal:
"This is sent to me with the absolute assurance that it's a genuine picture taken by a flight attendant at American Airlines. The F/A took it to show her manager what was happening on the aircraft (757???) and why she was unhappy about it. Seems the guy paid for only one seat and the gate staff let him board."
As we pointed out earier this year, some airlines are now requiring obese passengers to buy more than one seat. Last year United Airlines had received "more than 700 complaints last year from passengers 'who did not have a comfortable flight because the person next to them infringed on their seat,' an airline spokesman said."
I know it's politically incorrect to target fat-asses and their self-destructive behavior and, frankly, I don't give a damn what they do to themselves so long as it doesn't infringe on others. But when it does infringe on others, as it often does these days... everything from airline seats to seats at performances and movie theaters and restaurants to even walking down the aisles of a supermarket... then it's time we, as a collective, do something about it.
A Fat-Ass Tax! Require the purchase of "at least" two tickets to any public arena and public transportation; special, more expensive seating at restaurants; more expensive health insurance and even special rules requiring them to cover up their ugly asses at public beaches.
Now, I'm sure many of you will argue that obesity is an affliction, that they can't help it, and that they need help, not derision. I don't buy it. It's a matter of self-control.
Almost without exception, obese fat-asses are the way they are because they constantly stuff their faces. You don't see this problem in countries where food is a premium, or in more enlightened countries where gluttony is a sin. No, it's almost exclusively confined to the good ole consume it all, do it all, more is better, U-S-of-A.
When it boils right down to it, obesity is a sin.
Fuck it...if we are going to tax fat asses then I suggest we start with congress where the fattest of asses reside and then move to the boardrooms where the even fatter than fattest asses reside. Then we can move to the plain old obese.
ReplyDeleteGood idea Walking Man.
ReplyDeleteMr Condescending will LOVE that photo. Like the idea of special beach rules.
ReplyDeleteThat photo is unbelievable. Not truly unbelievable when you see someone like this walking about. I content myself with the knowledge that I'm going to live longer with less strain on my organs. Maybe I need to surround myself with guys like that, just in case there's ever a zombie attack. I would only have to knock one down at a time and try to save as many for another time as I can. Or just run like hell to safety knowing their bulk saved my life.
ReplyDeleteMr. Charleston~ I snorted when I read this. I'd be one pissed off non fat ass if I had to sit next to that. What if I wanted the aisle? What if he was late and the only available seat was in the middle? Are you fucking kidding me? He'd be spilling all over the place. Jaysus.
ReplyDeleteMo... exactly the same thing crossed my mind when I first saw it. Joshua... it won't work. You'll be crushed underfoot. JenJen... 'nuff said!
ReplyDeleteAs a fat-ass smoker, I resemble that comment! It is no wonder I am a hermit of sorts!
ReplyDeleteBarbara... LOL! I doubt you fit the description of the guy on the plane.
ReplyDeleteNo! Thank God!
ReplyDeleteAnother fat ass smoker here, pushing up health care costs. Still fit in an airline seat though.
ReplyDeleteI've been beside some fat asses on planes before but this one takes the cake. By the way, North Carolina is supposedly imposing a health care tax on people greater than 25% above normal body weight beginning in 2011 I heard. I think it's a good idea.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking as a non-fat ass, I look at extremely obese people, not just heavy, but like the guy in the picture, as extremely sick people. I know a few and they are always on a diet, but you know it's a face stuffing problem for the majority of them. But is it a sin? If it is, then drugs, alcohol and tobacco are a sin too. How do you tell somebody who's 400lbs to eat 1500 calories a day, because it's good for them, when they are used to eating 5,000. When diabetes sets in or they have a heart attack, perhaps reality might change their habits, until then, do you want fries with that . . .?
ReplyDeleteC the guy in the photo is beyond fat and he probably needs the by-pass operation. No amount of dieting is going to work in his case. Not going to happen. My problem with what you are advocating here is, at what point is one considered, as you call them, "fat ass", and therefore to be taxed, etc. And WHO is going to decide this? It's dangerous territory C.
ReplyDeleteAndrew... it's like a Disney ride, you fit, OK. Peach... agree, money is what will change habits.
ReplyDeleteHolte... see Peach comment. However, I totally agree that drugs, alcohol and the like are sins, but, like Mark Twain advised a woman whom he met onboard a ship who didn't drink, smoke, or chew... Madam, you have a serious problem. When it comes time to bargain with the Lord you have nothing to offer. Keep your sins close to you for you never know when they will come in handy.
JJ... Sieg Heil! See Andrew above. Life insurance companies already have that figured out, with numbers to prove it.
okay Mr. C, its a nice thought; however in the real world I think think it will jive.
ReplyDeleteI quit smoking on my birthday, wish I had quit sooner. Never been fat though. I have a fat friend. She says she gains weight because her metabolism is slow. I think she's eating high calorie/high fat stuff and not enough produce. She doesn't stuff her face, really. She eats junk. I almost didn't become friends with her at first, because I don't want to go through the heartache when she dies. I wish I could help her, but she does what she wants.
ReplyDeleteWhew.....that's the first time I've talked about this.
Bella... you're probably right.
ReplyDeleteDiane... Congrats of quitting smoking. I'm very lucky that I never got hooked. I do like a good cigar however. Hope your friend sees the light.
My ex-roomate had to request an extension for her seat belt on a flight we took and she was half the size of the dude in this photo. How many flippin' extensions did this pork chop need?
ReplyDeleteAs someone who skims along the edges of all kinds of sin... I wanted to let you know how cool i think your blog is.
ReplyDeleteWith ENVY from Portland...