Friday, April 5, 2013

Oh Please Lord, Please

Hey Joe.  How’s it going?  What’s that you say?  Triple by-pass, hospital for five days, this pill, that pill, those pills?  The artharitis and the rumatizz?  The chin lift and the shaky knee.  None of these complaints will you hear from me, but please Lord please, just grant me one thing, please let me pee!


  1. ha...what a relief when we can eh...and i could put up with a lot if that never went away...

  2. Ha! Yeah, it's the simple things, like not hitting your shoe. Like being able to go up and down the stairs to the newly refurbished bedroom with ease.

    1. I'm ahead of the game on that one. I live in Florida, one of the flattest states in the union.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Brother...I know the feeling!
    After my hospital stay last year, I had a catheter
    in me for two weeks. Peeing normal was a thrill!
    Loved your Urinary 55 Mr. C
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  5. So what makes you think you blokes should get away scot-free in the lower body half complaints section?
    Sorry, I’m not laughing, not really.

  6. I know whatcha mean, but my hubby wouldn't mind if the flow weren't so willing and able so darned many times during the night...

    1. I have finally reached the point to where I'm envious of the young men in the stall next door. Piss like a race horse.

  7. Heh - my anatomy teacher (female) once said that an enlarged prostate was Mother Nature's revenge for labor and childbirth.

  8. I'm already getting the first signs of this condition.

  9. Actually, I think I prefer labor and childbirth.

  10. I used to joke that I could pee faster than anyone ...sit pee and done..boy has that come back to bite me in the ass.


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