Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sub-Tropical Florida - Dog Days of Summer

Somehow, a 96 degree day is always better on the beach.

Dog days of summer in Florida are all about the sky.

The end of a perfect day.


  1. You clearly like the beach but for me, I prefer a nice shady river when the weather is hot.

    1. Actually, I'm not a beach person but it's the only way to escape the oppressive heat and mosquitoes

  2. I can almost feel the sultry heat just looking at those pictures. Our "summer" temperatures rarely go higher than the mid-60s. I'm grateful we're not smothering like the rest of the country, but an occasional hot sultry day would be nice.

  3. One of the things I enjoy about living in Florida are the interesting cloud formations in the summer. They make for nice sunsets and great photo opportunities - as you noticed. :-)

  4. Somehow, a 96 degree day is always better on the beach.

    Damn straight.

  5. Too many people around here to go to the beach. I hide in my house throughout June and July. Hopefully they will all go home to get ready for school soon and I can enjoy the beach!

  6. beautiful pics, nasty hot weather here too and humidity! ugh! I just avoid the heat and stay in my air-conditioned world! LOL


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