Sunday, January 8, 2012

Things Found While Looking... Body Art

While looking for something else, I ran across a website for the World Body Painting Festival.  Always one to check out beautiful naked girls, this was a no brainer.  What I found was some pretty incredible stuff.  Check it out.


  1. The art is lovely, but I wouldn't mind a blank canvas to work with myself.

  2. There is a first time for everything. Until now I have never wanted to have sex with a piece of art. Except the devil chick, she freaks me out.

  3. They're all beautifully done, but the one with the horns is creepy. And what's up with the one with the fan and a kid's face on her boob? But mostly pretty.....mostly.

  4. I now know why i should have taken up painting as my artistic expression rather than poetry!

  5. Very nice. I wonder if it would tickle. I could provide a nice large canvas.

  6. Do they have to sedate the models? I can't imagine holding still long enough to get "Mom" tattooed on my bicep, let alone all this!


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